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Stip  Justice is a full contact sport.
Following the politics and legal system of the United States of America is one of the things I follow with interest. In doing so, the opportunities to do so via Youtube are very extensive.
One is Glenn Kirschner and the Justice matters channel.

Glenn breaks down today's complex legal issues in a way that is understandable, relatable and actionable. During 30 years as a prosecutor, Glenn Kirschner advocated for juries and connected legal dots. In doing so, he brings the same approach to his analysis of today's legal landscape.

Since retiring from the Department of Justice in 2018, Glenn has worked on several criminal justice reform initiatives with a team of volunteers, striving for a system that does better by both victims and people accused of crimes.

Stip  Long distance skating, but only on natural ice.

Stip Going to a Finnish sauna regulary.

Stip Stip Even better? To your own taste? Choose from thousands of recipes.

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